The Holodomor Museum launches a project with high school students “Tell me a story”

20 September 2023

Today, students of the 10th grade of the Creative International School for Children (CISC) visited our Museum. Schoolchildren did not just come for an excursion, but they are participants in the educational project “Tell me a story”.

For two months, the children will be involved in museum work, look behind the scenes, and then try to convey the mission of the museum to the students of CISC. Also, based on their own impressions and reflections, they implement projects related to the history of the Holodomor in Ukraine.

Due to the fact that there are almost no eyewitnesses to these tragic events and most schoolchildren do not have the opportunity to hear stories about the Holodomor firsthand, the project will be extremely crucial for high school students to understand and analyze historical processes. It will be an interesting experience, because it is during this period that children’s personality is formed, values and life orientations are outlined.

During the first workshop, the students listened to an overview tour, watched an introductory video in the Hall of Memory and learned about the areas of work of the Museum.

We look forward to future visits and hope for fruitful cooperation!