The lecture “The Art of Propaganda”

22 August 2024

On August 21, Halyna Holubieva, a senior researcher of the excursion and education department, held an interactive lecture, “The Art of Propaganda,” as part of the charity event of the NGO “Building Ukraine Together” with the support of Knyharnia Ye. (Eng.- “A bookstore is”)

The topic was historical visual sources, in particular posters, which since the beginning of the 20th century have been used not only for advertising but also to spread (the literal meaning of the term “propaganda”) messages needed by various political forces.

The listeners learned about the history of the poster, discussed different groups of historical sources, and analysed several posters from the early 1930s in order to understand what information we can literally see when studying the history of the Holodomor and what ideas the communist regime of the USSR tried to impose on society.

During the lecture, they also discussed the photographs, in particular ones created by Marko Zalizniak and Alexander Wienerberger, thanks to which we have documentary evidence of the events of the period of collectivization, dekulakization, and the Holodomor itself.

The lecturer spoke about the activities of the Holodomor Museum, in particular about the “INTENT” exhibition, which also presents a propaganda story illustrated with Soviet and modern Russian posters.