Congratulations on the Day of the National Flag of Ukraine!

23 August 2024

Dear friends!

Today, a new history of Ukraine is being written under the blue-yellow flag and heroic deeds are being performed. It inspires pride and respect in us and the world and fear and anger in our enemies. And we know why – because it is the flag of a free country and an unconquered nation. This is the flag of a state that is desperately fighting for its existence against a much larger enemy.

The flag and its colours are a language that does not need translation. We understand everything without words when we see Ukrainian flags on the streets of foreign cities or the blue and yellow clothes of politicians and celebrities. And we are grateful for this support!

Our flag will certainly return to every temporarily occupied city or village as a symbol of liberation and restoration of peaceful life.

Let’s stand and win!

Happy National Flag Day, Ukraine!