The publication “Holodomor: Main Facts” is freely available in Modern Greek

3 February 2025

In 2024, the Holodomor Museum launched an international project called “Truth is Nearby.” The project aims to convey historical truth to foreigners in their native language. As part of the project, the museum’s researchers prepared the publication “Holodomor: Main Facts,” which summarises the key historical facts about the Soviet occupation of Ukraine and the crime of genocide committed by the Russians against the Ukrainian people in 1932–1933. The brochure was published in Ukrainian, English, German, and French.

Later, in response to an appeal by the museum’s general director, Lesia Hasydzhak, the brochure “Holodomor: Main Facts” was translated into the languages ​​of countries that have not only not recognised the Holodomor as genocide but are also often strongly influenced by pro-Russian historical narratives.

Therefore, thanks to the generosity of volunteers, the text of the brochure has been translated into Bulgarian, Turkish, Serbian, Romanian, Modern Greek, and Spanish. Translation into Italian and Swedish is ongoing, as well as the layout of the finished translations.

Today we are publishing the first layout of the brochure in the open access – in Modern Greek.

Ms Kira Vereshchahina and Mr Athanasios Stamatis worked on the translation.

The layout is available for free download and printing for its intended use. If you inform us about how you used it, we would greatly appreciate it and write about you.

We invite all those who are interested to translate the publication into other languages! We will be grateful for help with printing and distribution among scientific institutions in other countries.

The brochure “Holodomor: Main Facts” (authors – Doctor of Historical Sciences Mykhailo Kostiv and Doctor of Historical Sciences Andrii Kozytskyi) in Ukrainian, English, German and French can be purchased at the museum’s ticket office. See how to purchase online here.


Kira Vereshchahina, translator, works with literary, medical and legal translation, translator of language pairs Ukrainian-Greek and Russian-Greek at the Municipal Court of Piraeus (Πρωτοδικείο Πειραιάς), at the Court of Appeal of Piraeus (διοικικότικό Εφετείο Πειραιάς), at the Prosecutor’s Office of Piraeus (including the Juvenile Prosecutor’s Office), translator of language pairs Ukrainian-Greek and Russian-Greek at the Municipal Court of First Instance of Athens (Πρωτοδικείο Αθηνών), cooperates with UNHCR, the Ministry of Migration and Protection, the Police and Border Guard Service of the Republic of Greece, the Municipality of Thessaloniki, teacher of Modern Greek at the Department of Migrant Adaptation at the Municipality of Athens, volunteer.

Athanasios Stamatis, a citizen of the Hellenic Republic, has been serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine as a combat medic-sanitary officer since the beginning of 2023. A veteran of combat operations and a participant in special operations of military intelligence. He participated in combat operations in eastern Ukraine, in Bakhmut, the Zaporizhzhia region, and special operations in the Sumy region and the Black Sea. Since January 2025, he has been serving in the special security and defence unit of the 12th brigade of the National Guard “Azov”. He has been awarded the GUR medals and the Order of St. Panteleimon.