An exhibition about the Holodomor will open in the French city of Limoges

13 May 2024

On May 17, 2024, the Museum of Resistance in the city of Limoges (France) will present the exhibition project: “From the Holodomor to the Russian-Ukrainian War. 1932—2024”. The Holodomor Museum provided items from its collection for the exhibition. The exhibits have already gone to France.

The Holodomor is little known to the French, so the project will open a new page of history for them. The organisers expect that after learning about the Ukrainian tragedy, Europeans and the French in particular will make intellectual and political efforts to help Ukraine. The exhibition aims to connect the past with the present and to show that the Holodomor and the modern war against Ukraine were equally caused by Russian imperialism. The war is a direct consequence of the fact that Russia, as the heir of the USSR, did not condemn the crimes of the past and retained criminal intentions.

The Holodomor Museum shared exhibits that tell the stories of victims and eyewitnesses of the Holodomor, people who saved others from starvation, as well as communist propaganda materials and artefacts belonging to the Ukrainian diaspora.Among them, there are the letters of an eyewitness to the Holodomor, Jerry Berman, an engineer from the South African Republic, who was invited to the USSR to conduct industrialisation. Sending them to his brother, he wrote about the anti-religious campaign, the TORGSIN shop, and the starving Ukrainians of the Luhansk region.