Happy Independence Day!

23 August 2024

Dear friends!

Our independence has a bitter aftertaste of tears and blood, it burns with the iron of a machine gun and the charred stubble of a burnt field, it hurts with yellow and blue flags on cemeteries and the frozen warmth of a destroyed house. This is the high price paid by the Ukrainian people, choosing the right to freedom.

Is it difficult for us? Yes! Are we tired? Definitely! However, we are determined to continue defending our independence! Because we know from the past: the loss of independence means the levelling of rights and freedoms, persecution, genocide and, ultimately, the loss of oneself as a nation.

Independence today means the future. Everyone who is in the Armed Forces, volunteers, the ones, who donates, who works on the information front, studies and teaches, who does their daily work, is the shield of our future! Protecting the Independence of our country, we defend ourselves!

Let’s be strong and steadfast!

Happy holiday!