Journalists from African countries visited the museum

15 November 2023

Today, the Holodomor Museum was visited by journalists from African countries who are in Ukraine at the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The press tour organised for foreign media is aimed at promoting a deeper understanding of the consequences of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine among African countries, as well as establishing direct contacts of African journalists with representatives of the Ukrainian authorities and civil society in order to obtain reliable information. The group included 15 journalists from ten African countries: Angola, Botswana, Guinea, Egypt, Zambia, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa, Senegal, and Tunisia.

As part of their visit to Kyiv, the journalists visited our Museum to learn more about the Holodomor genocide committed by the Stalinist regime on Ukrainian lands. The guests listened to the tour and asked many questions about the Holodomor, its causes and consequences, and the differences between the events of 1932-1933 in Ukraine and other republics of the USSR.

We hope that visits to our museum will help foreign guests understand better the deep causes of the modern war, which are difficult to understand without knowledge of the historical context. They will also contribute to spreading the truth about the Holodomor in countries where awareness of the genocide of Ukrainians is still insufficient.