Mykhailo Kostiv participated in the round table in Poland

14 October 2024

On October 9-11, 2024, Mykhailo Kostiv, head of the genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes research department, participated in the work of a round table dedicated to the popularisation of historical knowledge, organised by the Mieroszewski Centre (an institution within the structure of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland).

During the panel discussions, Mykhailo Kostiv presented the work of the National Museum of the Holodomor Genocide. In particular, he revealed the topic of research into various aspects of the genocide and related informational work of the Holodomor Museum and cooperation with journalists, scholars, politicians and cultural figures of foreign countries. He revealed the topic of Russian propaganda’s impact on Ukrainian children (in the years 2014–2024) who are in the temporarily occupied territories (TOT). Specifically, the problem of destroying Ukrainian books and textbooks in those territories, replacing them with Russian ones and attracting children to Russian military organisations (” Yunarmiya” and others). He drew the attention of those present to the problem of the forcible removal of children from the TOT (according to the General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine, over 19,500 children were forcibly removed from the TOT to Russia), the change of their identity from Ukrainian to Russian, and the risks associated with these processes.

For a visual presentation of the museum’s work and establishing partnership relations, he gave the round table participants books and brochures published by the National Museum of the Holodomor Genocide.