Our editions are on “Book Arsenal”

31 May 2024

The Holodomor Museum participates in the Book Arsenal. You can find our novelties at the “Museums of Ukraine Edition” stand. Everything published in Ukrainian museums in the last five years is presented there! Books are different in genre, content, and target audience, but each of these publications is incredibly important because it was born in difficult conditions! During these five years, there was a coronavirus pandemic. Then, a large-scale Russian invasion. However, even in this hard period, museums lived and worked, scientific research continued, and museum workers published their new books!

“Dismantling of the main exhibits, partial evacuation of the most valuable, protection of museum buildings, mobilisation of workers, emigration of female workers, often young and active, abroad, and hence – the outflow of personnel, missile destruction of individual museums and monuments, organisation of work in conditions of blackouts and constant shelling – these are the challenges that Ukrainian museum workers have had to face in the last couple of years, – says the coordinator of the Stand of Museum Publications, Lesia Hasydzhak. – And against the background of all this – the continuation of scientific, research work and museum book publishing. And that can’t help but please.”

In total, 48 museums’ editions are presented at the stand.

The Holodomor Museum delegated to the “Book Arsenal” the collection of documents “Black boards” of Ukraine. Chernihiv region” (2021), a collection of documents “Mechanisms of creating the Holodomor: grain procurement campaigns of 1931-1933 in the Dnipropetrovsk region” (edited by Natalia Romanets, 2023), Andrii Kozytsky’s monograph “The Big Lie” (2023) and the memoirs of Lavro Nechyporenko “33rd year” (2023), as well as brochures “Holodomor: destruction of identity”, “Mass man-made famine of 1921-1923”, “We were killed because we are Ukrainians…”.

The exact location of the “Publication of Museums of Ukraine” stand:

C1.3, left wing of Mystetskyi Arsenal.

Opening hours: May 31 – June 2 from 10:00 to 21:00.

So please come, see, browse and buy! Every purchased book is in support of Ukrainian museums! We are waiting for you!