The Holodomor Museum must be completed

19 September 2023

As part of the Third Congress of Culture held in Lviv, the issue of completing the second phase of the Holodomor Museum was raised. This was discussed during the advocacy dialogue of public experts and government representatives, “Reforms and restoration of the humanitarian sphere of Ukraine: institutions of culture and national memory”, organized by the International Renaissance Foundation.

The expert group prepared a document stating that the Holodomor Museum should be completed in Ukraine, and a museum of the modern Russian-Ukrainian war should be created. These two topics should become a key in promoting Ukraine in the European space of memory.

Commenting on this thesis, senior researcher of the National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War, Roman Kabachii, who participated in the dialogue, noted: “I am not against a modern museum of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Let all of us, not only our museum, collect artefacts and then build a new museum. However, now the main problem concerning museums in Ukraine is the Holodomor Museum. Let us complete it and ensure that this money is allocated. And then we will start building a second modern museum.”

We thank the expert group and Roman Kabachii for their deep understanding of the importance of the topic and the need for its representation through a full-fledged museum complex. Your support is crucial!