The museum has developed a questionnaire about the mass man-made famine of 1946-1947

11 February 2025

In the next two years, we will commemorate the 80th anniversary of the mass man-made famine of 1946-1947. This tragic page of Ukrainian history has still not been studied or researched. Regardless, it is consistently preserved in the memories of witnesses from that time, whom we still have the opportunity to interview. Unfortunately, there have not been large-scale campaigns in Ukraine to gather these testimonies. Therefore, if you desire to record the oral history of that period, join us!

To make it easier for those wishing to conduct such research, employees of the Holodomor Oral History Department of the Museum, Yuliia Kotsur and Roman Moldavsky, developed a questionnaire about the mass man-made famine of 1946-1947, as well as methodological recommendations for it.

The questionnaire includes eight thematically divided blocks that can easily adapt to each family’s story. They touch on different aspects of the famine and help the interviewer and respondent have the most informative conversation. The methodological recommendations target those who are new to conducting surveys. It describes in detail how to work with a respondent, prepare for recording an interview, what questions are best to ask, and which ones are best to refrain from.

The questionnaire will be useful to local historians, teachers, museum workers, librarians, students and anyone who wishes to participate in oral history research on the mass man-made famine of 1946-1947. To receive the questionnaire and methodological recommendations for use in your research work, please write to us at [email protected].

Join us in preserving oral history!