Collaborator and editor Anastasia Hrydchyna justifies the genocide of Ukrainians

Crimean Anastasia Hrydchyna, who actively supports Russia’s war against Ukraine, cynically congratulated Ukrainians on the anniversary of Taras Shevchenko’s birthday in Ukrainian language. Hrydchyna is the head of the Ukrainian Community of Crimea NGO and the editor-in-chief of the Ukrainian-language magazine Crimea Today. But at the same time, she actively glorifies the Russian occupiers, publicly calls for an aggressive war and justifies all the crimes of the Russian invaders in Ukraine.

In her video message, the collaborator calls the criminal invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine “difficult times” and says that Russia is allegedly “carrying out a liberation operation to demilitarize and de-Nazify Ukraine.”

Hrydchyna says that allegedly “due to the criminal actions of the Kyiv regime, our citizens are fleeing abroad,” and her public organisation in Crimea is collecting humanitarian aid to “help everyone who managed to escape from the Nazis.” At the same time, the collaborator, telling outright lies, deliberately hid the obvious fact that Ukrainians were forced to flee abroad en masse from 24 February 2022, saving their lives from the war unleashed by Russia.

Hrydchyna also stated “Russia was forced to take such measures and did everything to preserve the integrity of the country.” The collaborator complained about the West too- in the spirit of the Kremlin’s propaganda, she stated that “the West stuffed Ukraine with weapons,” and allegedly that is why the aggressor country of the Russian Federation had to take such a step of “demilitarization”.

The video was published on Telegram on 9 March 2022.