Propaganda video about “good intentions of the Russian Federation”

Russian propaganda video in which there are many narratives of the Kremlin voiced. Its aim is to convince Ukrainians of the supposedly “good intentions of the Russian Federation”. In the video, the aggressor country, Russia, shifts its blame for the criminal invasion of Ukraine to “nationalists, punitive forces and mercenaries from other countries”, whom it calls the “true enemy of the Ukrainian people”.

In a video, the Russians are trying to turn Ukrainians against the Ukrainian authorities in Kyiv. At the same time, they say that “the residents of Donbas were the first to see the true face of the Kyiv authorities,” and therefore, “called the Russians for help”. In this way, the aggressor country tries to justify its crimes against the Ukrainian people, presenting them as a “necessity” and a fictitious “mission”.

The Russians did not forget to mention the prisoners of war. They are trying to convince us that the Ukrainian soldiers themselves often surrender to them as prisoners because they “treat them very well” there. At the same time, the Russians cynically describe in the video how they “feed enough” Ukrainian prisoners of war, allegedly “give them the necessary medical care” and “allow them to call their relatives.” At the same time, they are trying to cast a shadow on the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, saying that he did not expect that the Ukrainian soldiers would “survive after using up their ammunition”.

Such cynical statements are banal manipulation. Their goal is to undermine the morale of the Ukrainian people, especially the Ukrainian military, who are trying to be persuaded to lay down their arms and voluntarily surrender.

The video was published on Telegram on 13 March 2022.