Students lined up in the shape of the letters Z and V in Taganrog

У Таганрозі студенти вишикувалися у формі літер Z і V

Propaganda rally in support of Russia’s war against Ukraine. Students of Taganrog Institute named after A.P. Chekhov during the flash mob lined up in the letters Z and V, holding the Russian flag in their hands. On the official website of the Administration of the city of Taganrog, where information about the rally was published on 29 April 2022, it is noted that allegedly Z means “For victory” and V means “The task will be accomplished.”

At the same time, the website of the Administration wrote that such a rally is allegedly aimed not only at supporting the Russian occupiers and the decision of the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin to start a war against Ukraine but also to “strengthen the traditions of patriotic education of youth.”