The booklet “Museum Stories” published

27 December 2023

In the last days of the year, we received our new booklet for children “Museum stories” from the printing house. It was prepared by the excursion and educational department of our Museum – Halyna Holubieva, Olha Vyhodovanets, and Yana Horodniak. Comic book drawings were created by Eva Chernukhina, and designer Victoria Odnosum turned the idea into a bright and interesting product for children.

“In the museum we are very often faced with the problem of lack of children’s literature about the Holodomor. But children are our main visitors, as we work with school or family excursions, says Halyna Holubieva, one of the authors of the booklet. – Over the past year, we have prepared a family master class “Tree of Life” and a video tour for younger schoolchildren. The educational program of the Holodomor Museum has been presented at the NEO World Arsenal festival for the third year and is always popular among visitors. Therefore, the idea of an educational booklet for the youngest, which would tell both about the Museum and the history of the Holodomor, did not arise out of nowhere. That is, we felt a request from visitors for such a publication and had the desire to create it ourselves.”

The booklet was not designed to repeat the tour or turn into a school textbook. The name “Museum stories” reflects its content – these are the stories of the exhibits stored in the funds and, telling about specific people, at the same time introduce readers to the course of the Holodomor events.

Among the topics, first of all, is the struggle of Ukrainians for their rights and independence, which continued even when there seemed to be no hope. And, of course, in the booklet we draw parallels with modern events, when Ukrainians are once again forced to defend their independence, and once again take up arms in order to preserve Ukraine.

“Considering the age of our readers, we familiarize them with the terminology a little, explain what the Holodomor is, genocide, when and by whom this crime was committed, and what are its causes,” adds Halyna Holubieva.

In addition, the booklet can be unfolded as a poster and, thanks to the scheme, you can learn more about the symbolic meaning of the main objects of the Museum’s territory.

“Museum stories” are aimed at a target audience of 9-13 years old. But we are sure that the publication will be interesting for both adults and younger children because all the stories are illustrated with comics.

The booklet is already in our gift shop!

The cost is 20 UAH.

How to purchase if you are in another city

To purchase a booklet online, please write to us at [email protected], indicating how many copies you want. Payment details will be sent to you. You pay the invoice and send us a receipt and a shipping address. Once the funds are credited to the museum’s account, your order will be sent to you. Shipping is at the expense of the customer!