Holodomor in Kharkiv region. Photo by Alexander Wienerberger
26 September 2019
Austrian engineer Alexander Wienerberger after World War lived in Soviet Union and worked in the specialty. At the beginning of the 30’s XX century, he was in Kharkiv, where he took photos of the Ukrainian Genocide – Holodomor. His photos have saved the history of thousands queue to Torgsin, peasant-refugees, victims of man-made famine, places of mass burials on the outskirts of Kharkiv and the extinct village. Alexander Wienerberger was able to secretly take pictures from Ukraine. Their originals are saved in the archive of the diocese of Vienna, in the collection of Cardinal Theodor Innitzer. Today, these photos are the only photos, which recorded victims of genocide in 1933 in Kharkiv region.
Queues for bread to the torgsin(shop). Kharkiv, 1933. Photo from Cardinal Theodore Innitzer's collection (Archives of the Diocese of Vienna). The photo was taken by Eng. A. Wienerberger Photo documents provided by prof. Vasyl Marochko (Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). - TsDKFFA of Ukraine named after H.S. Pshenychnyi. It. coll. 5128

The Holodomor victim. Kharkiv, 1933. Photo from Cardinal Theodore Innitzer's collection (Archives of the Diocese of Vienna) Photo taken by Eng. A. Wienerberger. Photo documents provided by prof. Vasyl Marochko (Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). - TsDKFFA of Ukraine named after H.S. Pshenychnyi. It. coll. 5118.

Queues for bread to the torgsin(shop). Kharkiv, 1933. Photo from Cardinal Theodore Innitzer's collection (Archives of the Diocese of Vienna). Photo taken by Eng. A. Wienerberger. Photo documents provided by prof. Vasyl Marochko (Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). - TsDKFFA of Ukraine named after H.S.Pshenichnyi. Od. coll. 5129.

Hungry farmers leave the village in search of food in the city. Photo from Cardinal Theodore Innitzer's collection (Archives of the Diocese of Vienna). Photo taken by Eng. A. Wienerberger. Photo documents provided by prof. Vasyl Marochko (Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). - TsDKFFA of Ukraine named after H.S. Pshenychnyi. It. coll. 5134.

The girl is a victim of hunger. Kharkiv, 1933. Photo from Cardinal Theodore Innitzer's collection (Archives of the Diocese of Vienna). Photo taken by Eng. A. Wienerberger. Photo documents provided by prof. Vasyl Marochko (Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). - TsDKFFA of Ukraine named after H.S. Pshenychnyi. It. coll. 5120.

Victims of famine. Kharkiv region, 1933. Photo from Cardinal Theodore Innitzer's collection (Archive of the Diocese of Vienna). Photo taken by Eng. A. Wienerberger. Photo documents provided by prof. Vasyl Marochko (Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). - TsDKFFA of Ukraine named after H.S. Pshenychnyi. It. coll. 5136.

Horses of famine times. Photo from Cardinal Theodore Innitzer's collection (Archives of the Diocese of Vienna). Photo taken by Eng. A. Wienerberger. Photo documents provided by prof. Vasyl Marochko (Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). - TsDKFFA of Ukraine named after H.S. Pshenychnyi. It. coll. 5135.

Victims of famine. Kharkiv, 1933. Photo from Cardinal Theodore Innitzer's collection (Archives of the Diocese of Vienna). Photo taken by Eng. A. Wienerberger. Photo documents provided by prof. Vasyl Marochko (Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). - TsDKFFA of Ukraine named after H.S. Pshenychnyi. It. coll. 5121.

Victims of famine. Kharkiv, 1933. Photo from Cardinal Theodore Innitzer's collection (Archives of the Diocese of Vienna). Photo taken by Eng. A. Wienerberger. Photo documents provided by prof. Vasyl Marochko (Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). - TsDKFFA of Ukraine named after H.S. Pshenychnyi. It. coll. 5119.

Victim of famine. Kharkiv, 1933. Photo from Cardinal Theodore Innitzer's collection (Archives of the Diocese of Vienna). Photo taken by Eng. A. Wienerberger. Photo documents provided by prof. Vasyl Marochko (Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). - TsDKFFA of Ukraine named after H.S. Pshenychnyi. It. coll. 5132.

Starving children on the streets of Kharkiv in search of food. Photo from Cardinal Theodore Innitzer's collection(Archives of the Diocese of Vienna). The photo was taken by Eng. A. Wienerberger. Photo documents provided by prof. Vasyl Marochko (Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). - TsDKFFA of Ukraine named after H.S. Pshenychnyi. It. coll. 5122.

Reproduction from Famine-Genocide in Ukraine, 1932-1933: Western Archives, Testimonies and New Research / Edited by Wsevolod W. Isajiw. - Toronto: Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Center, Toronto, 2003. Photo from Cardinal Theodore Innitzer's collection, Archives of the Diocese of Vienna). - TsDKFFA of Ukraine named after H.S. Pshenychnyi. It. coll. 0-000005.

Victims of famine. Kharkiv, 1933. Photo from Cardinal Theodore Innitzer's collection(Archives of the Diocese of Vienna). Photo taken by Eng. A. Wienerberger. Photo documents provided by prof. Vasyl Marochko (Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). -TsDKFFA of Ukraine named after H.S. Pshenychnyi. It. coll. 5123.

Reproduction from Famine-Genocide in Ukraine, 1932-1933: Western Archives, Testimonies and New Research / Edited by Wsevolod W. Isajiw. - Toronto: Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Center, Toronto, 2003. The photo from Cardinal Theodore Innitzer's collection, Archives of the Diocese of Vienna). - TsDKFFA of Ukraine named after H.S. Pshenychnyi. It. coll. 0-000003.

Reproduction from Famine-Genocide in Ukraine, 1932-1933: Western Archives, Testimonies and New Research / Edited by Wsevolod W. Isajiw. - Toronto: Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Center, Toronto, 2003. The photo from Cardinal Theodore Innitzer's collection, Archives of the Diocese of Vienna). - TsDKFFA of Ukraine named after H.S. Pshenychnyi. It. coll. 0-000006.

Reproduction from Famine-Genocide in Ukraine, 1932-1933: Western Archives, Testimonies and New Research / Edited by Wsevolod W. Isajiw. - Toronto: Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Center, Toronto, 2003. The photo from Cardinal Theodore Innitzer's collection, Archives of the Diocese of Vienna). - TsDKFFA of Ukraine named after H.S. Pshenychnyi. It. coll. 0-000002.

Reproduction from Famine-Genocide in Ukraine, 1932-1933: Western Archives, Testimonies and New Research / Edited by Wsevolod W. Isajiw. - Toronto: Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Center, Toronto, 2003. The photo from Cardinal Theodore Innitzer's collection, Archives of the Diocese of Vienna). - TsDKFFA of Ukraine named after H.S. Pshenychnyi. It. coll. 0-000001.

Death by starvation on the streets of Kharkiv, 1933. Photo from Cardinal Theodore Innitzer's collection(Archives of the Diocese of Vienna). Photo taken by Eng. A. Wienerberger. Photo documents provided by prof. Vasyl Marochko (Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). - TsDKFFA of Ukraine named after H.S. Pshenychnyi. It. coll. 5124.

A child died on the streets of Kharkiv, in 1933. Photo from Cardinal Theodore Innitzer's collection (Archives of the Diocese of Vienna). Photo taken by Eng. A. Wienerberger. Photo documents provided by prof. Vasyl Marochko (Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). - TsDKFFA of Ukraine named after H.S. Pshenychnyi. It. coll. 5126.

A victim of famine. Kharkiv, 1933. Photo from Cardinal Theodore Innitzer's collection (Archives of the Diocese of Vienna). Photo taken by Eng. A. Wienerberger. Photo documents provided by prof. Vasyl Marochko (Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). - TsDKFFA of Ukraine named after H.S. Pshenychnyi. It. coll. 5131.

The body of a hunger victim. Kharkiv, 1933. Photo from Cardinal Theodore Innitzer's collection(Archives of the Diocese of Vienna). Photo taken by Eng. A. Wienerberger. Photo documents provided by prof. Vasyl Marochko (Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). - TsDKFFA of Ukraine named after H.S. Pshenychnyi. It. coll. 5133.

Victim of the Holodomor. Kharkiv, 1933. Photo from Cardinal Theodore Innitzer's collection (Archives of the Diocese of Vienna). Photo taken by Eng. A. Wienerberger. Photo documents provided by prof. Vasyl Marochko (Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). - TsDKFFA of Ukraine named after H.S. Pshenychnyi. It. coll. 5127.

Place of mass graves of starvation victims in Kharkiv region. Photo from Cardinal Theodore Innitzer's collection (Archives of the Diocese of Vienna). Photo taken by Eng. A. Wienerberger. Photo documents provided by prof. Vasyl Marochko (Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). - TsDKFFA of Ukraine named after H.S. Pshenychnyi. It. coll. 5137.

Mass graves of starvation victims in Kharkiv region. Photo from Cardinal Theodore Innitzer's collection(Archives of the Diocese of Vienna). Photo taken by Eng. A. Wienerberger. Photo documents provided by prof. Vasyl Marochko (Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). - TsDKFFA of Ukraine named after H.S. Pshenychnyi. It. coll. 5138.

A village in the Kharkiv region that died of starvation in 1933. Photo from Cardinal Theodore Innitzer's collection(Archives of the Diocese of Vienna). Photo taken by Eng. A. Wienerberger. Photo documents provided by prof. Vasyl Marochko (Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). - TsDKFFA of Ukraine named after H.S. Pshenychnyi. It. coll. 5139.

"It is strictly forbidden to bury people here." Ads on the outskirts of Kharkiv. 1933 Photo from Cardinal Theodore Innitzer's collection (Archives of the Diocese of Vienna). Photo taken by Eng. A. Wienerberger. Photo documents provided by prof. Vasyl Marochko (Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). - TsDKFFA of Ukraine named after H.S. Pshenychnyi. It. coll. 5140.