A scientific seminar on the Holodomor was held at Lviv Polytechnic

2 January 2024

On 29 December 2023, the Scientific Research Centre for Social and Demographic Policy and Management “Demos” of the National University “Lviv Polytechnic” held a scientific seminar “On demo history and the values of our every moment”. The key report-lecture on the topic “Holodomor-genocide of 1932-1933 and other crimes of Muscovy-Russia in Ukraine: historical and social context” was delivered by candidate of geographical sciences, junior researcher of the National Museum of Holodomor-genocide Roman Tesliuk.

The teachers and scholars of Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine, and public figures of the Lviv region participated in the seminar.

The main emphasis of the report was on the genocidal nature of the crimes of Muscovy-Russia and their social and demographic, psychological, social and cultural, and economic consequences. It also revealed the impact of Russia’s modern crimes on the quantitative and qualitative demographic dimensions of Ukrainian society.

The moderator of the event – scientific director of the Scientific Research Centre “Demos”, professor Uliana Sadova – emphasised the importance of scientific and public discussion of the topical topic of the genocide of Ukrainians, the formation of relevant narratives of historical events and the modern Russian-Ukrainian war.

During the lengthy discussion, they discussed many aspects of the topic of genocide and crimes of Muscovy-Russia in Ukraine. Public and political activist, deputy of the Lviv Regional Council of the 5th convocation, and head of the NGO “Stary Yur” Valeriy Kalyniuk emphasised the importance of forming and supporting the policy of national memory, educating young people, and conducting scientific research on the consequences of Myscovy’s genocidal policy. Zenon Borovets, a public figure, member of the Commission for Lay Affairs of the Lviv Diocese of the UGCC, and associate professor of Lviv Polytechnic University, pointed out the role of the UGCC and Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskyi in spreading the truth about the Holodomor. Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine, Anatoliy Mokii, drew certain parallels between the lack of adequate response of the world’s leading states and international organisations in the 1930s and the current passive reaction of the UN and part of the world community. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Statistics of the Ivan Franko National University of Ukraine Olha Hrynkevych emphasised the multidisciplinary nature of the scientific problem of researching the Holodomor and other crimes in Russia and the need for closer cooperation between various educational and scientific institutions in Ukraine and abroad. Candidate of Economic Sciences, senior researcher Svitlana Shchehliuk (independent researcher, Germany) drew attention to the necessity for the greatest possible dissemination of information abroad about the current genocide, in particular, the deportation of Ukrainian children to Russia, war crimes and crimes against humanity on the occupied territories of Ukraine, the situation of Ukrainian military and civilian prisoners in Russia.

Teachers and scholars of Lviv Polytechnic National University also participated in the discussion: professor, director of the Institute of Administration, Public Administration and Professional Development Liubomyr Pylypenko; Associate Professor of the Department of Organisation Management Oleh Sorochak; Olha Korytska, associate professor of the Department of Organisation Management, Nataliia Didukh, assistant of the Department of Enterprise Economics and Investments; Ivan Franko National University of Lviv: Professor of the Department of Social Security and Personnel Management Liubov Semiv, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic and Social Geography named after Oleh Shablii Volodymyr Hrytsevych; scholars of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine: Professor Svitlana Pysarenko, Maryana Bil, Volodymyr Bidak, Nataliia Andrusyshyn, Maria Bachynska, Oleksandr Makhoniuk.