“Holodomor: History rhymes”: an exhibition in the German city of Trier

9 February 2023

The exhibition “Holodomor: History rhymes” will open in the German city of Trier on Friday, February 10. The organizers of the project in Germany – Anhelina Leshak and Oksana Petruk, representatives of the Ukrainian students’ organization of the University of Trier “Ukrainische Hochschulgruppe_Ukrainian Student Association Trier (USAT)”, together with the Holodomor Museum, aim to convey to the public abroad information about one of the most terrible mass crimes in human history – the genocide of Ukrainians in 1932-1933 — and to show parallels between the Holodomor and the extermination of Ukrainians that Russia is carrying out today.

Millions of Ukrainians died as a result of the Holodomor. The Kremlin’s dictatorial regimes covered up and silenced this terrible crime. Even after the collapse of the USSR, Russia picked up Soviet narratives, continuing to deny the genocide of Ukrainians. The organizers and executors of the Holodomor did not take responsibility for the crime committed. This, in particular, is one of the reasons why Russia in 2022 launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine and genocide, which killed thousands of Ukrainians.

“History doesn’t repeat itself, but it can rhyme. Unpunished evil is encouraged to return and rhyme a new terrible poem. This is how the unjudged genocide of Ukrainians has returned,” the German organizers of the exhibition emphasize.

As part of the project, the exhibition of the Holodomor Museum, “The Uncondemned Genocide of Ukrainians Repeats”, the installation “Lunch Cooked by Russia.” and the exhibition of collages “Parallels”, created by the artists of CUTOUT COLLAGE FESTIVAL&STUDIO in cooperation with the Holodomor Museum, will be presented. There will also be screenings of stories from the series “Holodomor: mosaics of history” (a joint project of the Holodomor Museum and “Ukrainer” with the support of the UСF) and the documentary film “Zhyvi / The Living” from the International Charity Fund “Ukraine 3000”. In addition, the lecture “Holodomor – murder by hunger” by Dr Klaus Jürgen Becker is scheduled.

The project is financed by the Trier Partnership for Democracy (Trier Partnerschaft für Demokratie), which is part of the federal program “Long Live Democracy!” The Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth of the Federal Republic of Germany.