The Day of Ukrainian Statehood

28 July 2022

Dear friends!

On July 28, we celebrate the Day of Ukrainian Statehood for the first time. Before our eyes, a new tradition is being born: to honour the achievements of past generations and contemporaries, thanks to which the Ukrainian State has been on the world map for many centuries.

The traditions of Ukrainian state-building were established more than a thousand years ago. And honouring Ukrainian Statehood today, we remember all those who fought for it during many centuries.

Every time after losing statehood, our identity, will, and ability to plan our own future were under threat.

Today, when Russia is again waging war to destroy independent Ukraine, we feel a special responsibility and obligation to keep the dream of many generations of Ukrainians in our hands. It was fate that allowed us to live in an independent state. And it was to us that the historic mission was assigned – to have the last and decisive battle to the primordial enemy of Ukrainian statehood – Russia.

Let our faith in victory be unshakable, strength – endless, and resilience – unbreakable!

We will defeat the enemy – we will protect our statehood and Ukraine!

Happy holiday!