The originals of the proclamations on the recognition of the Holodomor by the US states transferred to the Museum’s funds

1 December 2023

New arrivals in our museum funds! Danylo Volynets visited the Holodomor Museum today. He handed over a gift from his wife, Oksana Markarova, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the USA. These are the originals of five documents-proclamations on the recognition by American states of the Holodomor as a genocide of the Ukrainian people, issued during the last month. The chief custodian of the Museum, Maryna Pryn, accepted the documents.

The Acting Director General of the National Museum of the Holodomor- Genocide, Lesia Hasydzhak, thanked Oksana Markarova and Danylo Volynets’ family for the valuable artefacts that will take a worthy place in the museum collection. The Museum also donated books about the Holodomor for the Embassy of Ukraine in the United States.

Acting Director General of the Holodomor Museum Lesia Hasydzhak and Danylo Volynets.