The publishing house Dukh i Litera (“Spirit and Letter”) donated more than 40 historical publications to the book collection of the Holodomor Museum

23 August 2023

July 22, 2023, the Acting Director General of the Holodomor Museum, Lesia Hasydzhak, and Deputy Director General Anna Sokyrina, at the invitation of co-founder and editor-in-chief Leonid Finberg visited the Ukrainian publishing house “Spirit and Letter”.

The publishing house transferred more than 40 historical publications to the museum bookstore. Among them is the three-volume “Bochkovskyi Olgerd Hippolyte. Selected works and documents”. The publication contains the scientific work of one of the leaders of the movement to help starving Ukrainians in 1932-1933 and the breakthrough of the information blockade about the Holodomor. In particular, in his article “J`accuse!” (“I blame!”) Ukrainian activist accused the French politician Edouard Herriot of hiding the Holodomor. The third volume of the publication contains one of the first scientific works on the Holodomor: “Famine in Ukraine”, written by Bochkovskyi in January 1934. Also among the books received are other publications related to the Holodomor and mass man-made famines of 1921–1923.

The Dukh i Litera (“Spirit and Letter”) is a Ukrainian publishing house of philosophical, socio-political, cultural and theological literature. It is located in Kyiv, at the “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” university. It was founded in 1992 on the basis of several research centres of this academy.