Daria Dugina, a Russian journalist and propagandist

                    Daria Dugina/ Telegram

Daria Dugina (died on August 20, 2022, due to the detonation of an explosive device in a car) is a Russian journalist, radio presenter and propagandist, editor-in-chief of the United World International (UWI) website. A daughter of the ideologue of “Russian world” Oleksandr Dugin.

She actively supported the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation and called on the aggressor country to occupy the entire territory of Ukraine. She talked about her hatred of “Nazis” and “Banderas” from Ukraine.

She wrote materials for pro-Kremlin media under the pseudonym Daria Platonova. She was one of the authors of “Book Z” about the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

She called Ukraine “a sanitary border that separates Russia from Europe.” After the start of a full-scale war, she said that “the time has come to answer for Donbas”.

She called the murders of civilians in Bucha by the Russian occupiers staged.

*The material was created in cooperation with the Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.

Main statements

1. She called the Ukrainian soldiers who were on “Azovstal” misanthropes and Nazis (mid-June 2022)

She also stated that foreign instructors allegedly stayed with the Ukrainian military at the Azovstal plant.

The relevant video was published by the British journalist, pro-Russian propagandist, former employee of the Russian state TV channels “RT” and “Zvezda” Graham Phillips after the death of Dugina. The video was shot during the train of propagandists to the ruins of “Azovstal” in June 2022

2. She claimed that “Ukrainians are not people” and it is necessary to “open a tribunal in Mariupol and Donetsk” against them (August 18, 2022)

3. She claimed that the Russians should support the war against Ukraine and Putin, who is “now making history”