Ivan Okhlobystin – a Russian film actor, propagandist

                                                           Ivan Okhlobystin/ Instagram

Ivan Okhlobystin is a Russian film actor, director, screenwriter, propagandist, and rashist. He became widely known thanks to the role of Doctor Bykov in the comedy series “Interns”. Ivan is a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church who is temporarily banned from serving.

He constantly utters homophobic and anti-Ukrainian statements, and promotes “Russian peace”. He supports the so-called “DPR” and “LPR”. In 2016, he received a passport from the pseudo-republic “DNR”.

After the start of the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine, he said that “the Russian Federation actually treated the whole world well.” After that, he declared that the Russians were then in “great excitement” and that they would “kill everyone.”

He claimed, “Ukraine must disappear, and the West must be brought to its knees.”

Main statements

1. He called Russian stars who did not support the war against Ukraine traitors (May 24, 2022)

2. He stated that it is allegedly “the sacred duty of the Russian Federation to fight until there is no Ukrainian nationalist left” (July 11, 2022)

3. Fully supported the war against Ukraine and called it “sacred” (September 30, 2022)

He accused the West of being ruled by “lunatics, perverts and Satanists.” He announced this during a rally concert in the Russian Federation on September 30, 2022.