Representatives of emergency services of Voronezh lined up forming the letter Z

Propaganda video filmed by Voronezh emergency services in support of Russia’s criminal war against Ukraine. In the video, representatives of the law enforcement agencies, emergency medical personnel and rescue workers with Russian flags in their hands tell how “Russians stand for each other”.

In the video, the words “your soul is at peace when everything is fine at home, when your relatives are near those who will not let them be hurt” sound cynically. They said that the Russian occupiers can easily fight in Ukraine and kill Ukrainian citizens without worrying about their relatives at home.

​At the end of the video, words in the spirit of Kremlin propaganda are heard, as if Russia “once managed to protect the world from Nazism, and now it had to fight an insidious evil for the second time.” And to these words, the Russian military is lining up in the symbol of Russian aggression against Ukraine – the letter Z.

The video was published on the Telegram channel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on 20 March 2022.