Schools in the Russian Federation received manuals on how to tell children about the war

At the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, some Russian schools received manuals on what and how to tell students about the so-called “special operation”.

The manuals say that Ukraine is supposedly an “artificially created state”, Ukrainians and Russians are “one people,” and Russia supposedly “cared for Ukraine all the time”. The events of 2014 are called a coup d’état, and it is claimed that foreign rule by the USA has been established over our state.

And to make it easier for teachers to spread such misinformation, the manuals provided basic questions and answers. For example, if schoolchildren ask, “Is this a war with Ukraine and could we have done without it?,” they are suggested to answer that it is “a special peacekeeping operation to contain nationalists who oppress the Russian-speaking population.” At the same time, it is noted that the occupation of Ukrainian territories is not included in the plans of the Russian Federation, and “they are not going to impose anything on Ukraine by force.”

The children are encouraged to tell that NATO is allegedly expanding closer to Russia and threatens it and that Ukraine “can create a nuclear bomb.” The attack on Ukraine is being staged in self-defense against the threats posed to the Russian Federation.

Fragments of these methods spread in social networks and mass media on February 28, 2022. Russian journalist Andrii Serafimov published screenshots of materials that were distributed in the Tomsk region. Excerpts of the methods, distributed in the Moscow region, were also published in Telegram.