The truth about the Holodomor in the context of the national liberation struggle: historiography of silence

11 January 2017

Gudz V. The truth about the Holodomor in the context of the national liberation struggle: the historiography of silence / V. Gudz // Drohobytskyi regional history collection. – 2015. – Issue Special issue 2. – P. 155-165.

The author analyzes the state of study by Ukrainian historians of the reasons and circumstances of hiding, distorting, and silencing information about the Holodomor in the world political and scientific environment. According to Victor Gudz, special works on the history of the activities of the Soviet government, its law enforcement, and ideological structures regarding the information blockade of the truth about the famine and the methods of disinformation and counter-propaganda of the Soviet agency in the West are promising. The history of concealment and distortion of the truth about the Holodomor in the scientific circles of the West and modern Russia requires a separate study.


The truth about the Holodomor int he context of the national liberation struggle: historiography of silence 0.08 МБ