Aleksandr Prokhanov, writer-propagandist of the Russian Federation

Aleksandr Prokhanov/Telegram

Aleksandr Prokhanov is a Russian propagandist-writer, journalist, novelist, political activist, and chief editor of “Zavtra” newspaper.

He often participates in the talk show of Russian propagandist Vladimir Soloviov. He maintains close ties with ORDLO terrorists and writes propaganda publications.

He stated that Kyiv allegedly spread total propaganda, and that is why Ukrainians could not “come to their senses, see-through and throw themselves into the arms of the fraternal Russian people.”

He called to “immediately resurrect the Novorossiya project.” He threatened Ukraine that Russia “will certainly intervene in the conflict in Donbas and protect the Russian-speaking residents of this region.”

After the start of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, he said that Russian tanks were correcting the violence committed against Russian history in 1991.

*The material was created in cooperation with the Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

Main statements

1. He regretted the collapse of the Soviet Union and called the return of Crimea “historical justice” (August 9, 2015)

He stated that during a speech at the Open Library, a social and cultural project created in St. Petersburg in 2012.

2. He stated that Russia was allegedly fighting fascism in Ukraine and Europe (May 13, 2022)

3. He stated that the Russian Federation allegedly had a mission and was moving towards victory (May 13, 2022)

According to Prokhanov, the aggressor country Russia is fighting “with everything black and terrible that Europe has produced.”

4. He advocated for Russia’s armed seizure of all of Ukraine (May 17, 2022)

He said that the alleged limitation of military actions only by ORDLO was a pessimistic scenario. According to him, Russia should allegedly capture all of Ukraine and carry out a “spiritual cleansing” there. Otherwise, the territories not captured by the occupiers “may turn into a fascist nest.”

5. He said that Ukrainians were allegedly driven by “Ukrainian fascism” (May 19, 2022)

Prokhanov complained that allegedly, “Ukrainian propaganda made Russia an enemy, demonized Russia in the eyes of billions of people,” and directed all the military aid it received from the West to the Russian Federation.

6. He stated that Russophobia had been spread throughout the world and Russians had been demonized for centuries (August 11, 2022)