90th anniversary of the Holodomor-genocide

13 November 2023

This year, we commemorate the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor genocide. We mark it in the conditions of the full-scale war and daily Russian terror against Ukraine. Almost a century has passed since those times, but the memory remains painful and fresh because it is actual in the present.

Shelling of the civilian population, terror of hunger and cold, deportations, complete violation of all military conventions, total hatred and cynicism are all typical behaviours of our enemy today. But, apparently, it is almost no different from the methods of the Stalinist regime. The goal has been the same throughout the centuries: to destroy Ukrainian statehood as a phenomenon, to make people believe in “one nation” and that “no Ukraine has ever existed.”

National memory, knowledge of what they forced us to forget, is crucial today. After all, it makes us stronger. Let’s persevere because the truth is behind us.

For the 90th anniversary of the tragedy, the National Museum of the Holodomor-genocide, as a centre for honouring the memory of the Holodomor victims, prepared a list of exhibition, scientific, educational and artistic events that will take place in our institution or with the participation of our specialists.

We invite you to join the commemoration of the Holodomor victims in November-December 2023.

16 November, 12:00 — Presentation of the book “Mechanisms of creation of the Holodomor: grain procurement campaigns of 1931-1933 in the Dnipropetrovsk region: a collection of documents and materials” by Natalia Romanets. To participate, please register: http://surl.li/naopt

Hall of Memory of the Museum, 3 Lavrska, str.

19 November, 4:00 p.m.The play SИN (“Son”, based on the story of the same name by Valerian Pidmogilny). The performance was staged by the theatre workshop “POGLЯD” (directors Yehor Vodyakhin and Khrystyna Sheludko) with the participation of the Honoured People’s Song and Dance Ensemble of Ukraine “Darnychanka”. Details and information about tickets – at the link: https://concert.ua/uk/event/sun. Hall of |Memory of the Museum, 3 Lavrska, str.

23 November — Scientific and practical conference “90th anniversary. History of Holodomor-genocide”. The format is mixed. Face-to-face, remote and part-time participation is possible. Registration via the link https://forms.gle/MEBUG4JXzkW84Ar3A.

23 November, 2:00 p.m. — Opening of the exhibition “Intent”. Accreditation is required http://surl.li/ncwzv or by phone (044) 254-45-11. Hall of Memory of the Museum, 3 Lavrska, str.

23 November, 4-5:30 p.m. — Public dialogue on the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor. National Historical Library of Ukraine.

23-25 November — International Scientific Forum “Ukraine in the Holodomor Epoch: Power, Resistance, Identity.” Applications for participation in the conference should be sent to: [email protected].

25 November  — Holodomor Remembrance Day. Public commemorative events on the territory of the Museum. 3 Lavrska, str.

5 December, 3:00 p.m. — Presentation of the expedition results and the book “Lokhvychchyna: folklore and ethnographic studies and Materials.” Hall of Memory of the Holodomor Museum, 3 Lavrska, str.

The program may change. Follow the announcements of the Museum on the website and on social networks.

​The Museum also offers visitors online and offline educational classes, interactive tours and classes on the history of the Holodomor, master classes.

In addition, you can get models of one of our exhibitions for display:

“Holodomor: Soviet Genocide of Ukrainians”

“The Uncondemned genocide of Ukrainians repeats”

(please contact [email protected])

In order to honour the memory of the genocide victims and preserve the oral history of the Holodomor, you can:
transfer to the museum memories of the Holodomor of Ukrainian survivors, information about the burial places of the Holodomor victims, children’s shelters in 1932-1933, and the names of the Holodomor victims.

When preparing your events for the 90s, we recommend using the materials of the Holodomor Museum website:

History of the Holodomor
Recognition of the Holodomor as genocide
Eyewitness testimony
Holodomor theme in art
Films about the Holodomor