Lesia Hasydzhak spoke at the expert panel “Cultural heritage of Ukraine as an element of national security”

26 April 2024

Head of the National Museum of Holodomor-Genocide Lesia Hasydzhak, participated in the expert panel “Cultural heritage of Ukraine as an element of national security”, which took place within the framework of the Carpathian Sea Democracy Week forum.

The purpose of this meeting is the exchange of opinions and experiences between representatives of cultural institutions and museums in the direction of preservation, protection and popularisation of cultural heritage, as well as the formation and scaling of the Ukrainian narrative in the semantic war against Russia.

The speech of Lesia Hasydzhak, who joined the event online, was focused on the issue of recognising the Holodomor as an act of genocide, which is an important component of the memory of this crime in Ukraine and the world and a safeguard against the repetition of such tragedies in the future.

“The most important thing for us today is the recognition of the Holodomor of 1932-1933 as a genocide of the Ukrainian nation by the whole world at the international level. Since this is the restoration of historical justice, these are the first steps to bring Russia as the rightful successor to responsibility because the crime of genocide does not have a statute of limitations, and the most important thing is to support us as a state, our right to memory and national culture,” said Lesia Hasydzhak.

The Carpathian Sea Democracy Week forum is a platform designed to deepen cooperation between Ukraine, the states of Northern Europe, the Baltic States and other countries to consolidate efforts in order to bring Ukraine closer to victory. During the forum, event participants discuss possible ways to strengthen cooperation and support.