Use of children in propaganda

After the start of the so-called “special operation”, a wave of Z-actions swept across the Russian Federation, some of which were children. Children in kindergartens were lined up in the shape of the letter Z and forced to draw and hold the image of this letter while teachers photographed them “to support the special operation.” Parents loyal to Putin taught their children “patriotic poems” in which they glorified Russia and the Russian occupiers.

The most scandalous case was the action in Kazan, where terminally ill children from the hospice were taken outside and lined up in the shape of the letter “Z”. The Russian authorities reacted positively to this event. Children’s ombudsman Maria Lvova-Bielova said then: “why not, if the children don’t mind?”.

After all, children who are not directly involved in propaganda actions have to be their spectators, which also affects their views and attitudes.